Clean Joke of the Day


My name is Joe Cosity, and even though I'm mere fiction, I'm still committed to providing you with a great source of honorable humor through this Clean Joke of the Day e-zine.

Clean Joke of the Day exists to proclaim the truth of God, Jesus Christ, through emotional encouragement and spiritual exhortation. This mission is accomplished via a subscriber opt-in, daily email newsletter that provides content that encourages you emotionally while strengthening you spiritually.

Every weekday and Saturday I'll send you a humorous story accompanied by an applicable passage of Scripture from the Bible. The humorous content has been filtered and edited to ensure a Christ-honoring presentation, while the Scripture passages are prayerfully chosen to reflect God's perspective of the topic revealed in the humor.

Oh yes, In case you're wondering, my name comes from the word jocosity, originating from the Latin word jocus, and it means joke!

If you want to contact me about something, just send me an e-mail.

My e-mail address is:

If you prefer snail mail, (I still like to get snail mail) then send me your comments here…

Joe Cosity
Clean Joke Of The Day
4 NE 10th St, PMB 262
Oklahoma City, OK 73104

Thanks, I look forward to sending you emails!

Joe Cosity

P.S. Subscribe here to receive clean jokes with application from the bible to help you grow spiritually and become encouraged emotionally, every day except Sunday!

Subscribe here to receive Clean Joke of the Day
every day except Sunday!

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