The funny jokes from past Clean Joke of the Day issues shown below are in the original date order they were published.


Have you heard about 4-year-old Sammy who was asked to return thanks before Sunday dinner? The family members bowed their heads...

Have you heard about the guys who drove their pickup truck into a lumberyard? One of them walked in the office and said, "We need some...

Today's humor is more cute than funny, but I think you'll still find it enjoyable. Remember back in the good ol' days when everyone made...

We've all been passed by motorists on the road going much faster than we were. But you can imagine my shock at recently being passed...

An elderly gentleman I know (who loves golfing) recently moved to a new town and joined the local golfing club. But when he went...

Have you ever telephoned a company's technical support number to get a problem solved? Well I did recently, but it didn't go very well...

I enjoy watching people eat fruit. In fact, I sometimes give it away when people visit (oranges especially). I never thought of the legal...

My pastor was recently invited by a member of his congregation to their farm home for dinner. They had just finished an excellent meal...

I like to travel every now and then. You know, see new and exciting places or things. Well, anyway, I recently visited a jungle area where we...

I recently went on a shopping trip downtown with my friend. While riding the bus on our way back home it stopped and let a drunk man get...

A friend once graciously invited me to a dinner that he was hosting for people from his work. He had encouraged everyone to bring their...

Have the neighborhood kids ever played the trick on you where they knock on your door and then disappear? Well they have to me. So you...

Do you or someone you know have a dog? Well, I recently learned a dog fact I thought you might like to know...

A friend of mine (who happens to have a sum of money) recently drove his Rolls-Royce to New York City during a two week business trip. Upon...

Have you ever seen people campaigning for public office? Recently I went to see two candidates who had somehow scheduled simultaneous...

Awhile back my Churches' finances were a little tight, and so my pastor took some extra time to emphasize the importance of everyone...

A friend once complained to my sister about the difficulties contained in child rearing, especially the lack of peace and quite rest."What you...

My sister was recently working in the kitchen when she heard her 6-year old son call for her. "Mummy, Mummy!" he called. "Do you know that...

My preacher is one of those guys who enjoys using enthusiasm while delivering his sermon. As he preaches, he often moves briskly about...

Do you know what a woman is called who knows where her husband is 24 hours a day/seven days a week? She's called a...

Once, while waiting for my turn to see the doctor, a middle-aged man came shuffling in, bent over at the waist and relying heavily upon his...

When my nephew started off to kindergarten, he often brought home his drawings. Each time, my sister (his mother) admired the pictures and...

While I was waiting in the auto repair shop's lobby for my car to be repaired recently, another customer came in looking a little frustrated...

Did you hear the story of the two pastors fishing in the stream near the side of the road? They thoughtfully made a sign that read "The End...

I've got a list of "last words" here for you today. "Don't unplug it, it will just take a moment to fix." "What happens if you touch...

I walked into the kitchen one day not to long ago to find my wife stalking around with a fly swatter. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Hunting...

Did you hear the story about the two lawyers that were conducting business in a bank when an armed robbery began? One of the robbers...

My sister and her husband had just finished tucking their young ones into bed one evening when they heard crying coming from the children's...

My minister announced that admission to a church social event would be six dollars per person. "However," he said, "If you're over 65 the price will...

While visiting my sister's home recently, I walked past my young neice's room before bedtime and observed her kneeling beside her bed, with her...

Do you ever wish you were a child again? Here's a glimpse at what it might be like. Presenting: "A Child's Perspective on the Meaning...

I have a friend who manages the softball team at the local hospital, where he is employed. His team duties include responsibility for...

When I was a young man I asked an old rich man if he could tell me how he made his money. In response, the gentleman fingered his worsted...

Awhile back my wife and kids all came down with the flu. I took the kids to the pediatrician's office, and as soon as I returned, focused my...

A friend just gave me a report containing statistics indicating that last year 4,153,237 people got married. Now, I'm not trying to start any...

Not too long ago I was awakened at 3 a.m. by a loud pounding on the door. After I had slowly come to my senses, I mustered the courage...

Do you remember your first credit card? I do. I also remember the first bill. It said I owed $0.00. Since I had not yet made any purchases, I knew...

I recently received this bit of advice from a lady subscriber of this newsletter (thanks Nancy). I thought you might appreciate the information...

My pastor and his wife were recently invited over to dinner at the house of a member of their congregation. When they arrived, dinner preparations...

Did you hear about the man who was looking for a job? He noticed there was an opening at the local zoo. Upon inquiry, he discovered the zoo had a...

A physician was taking his four year old daughter to preschool when she picked up his stethoscope (which he had left on the car seat) and began...

My son recently approached me with a big smile on his face. "I know what the word 'Bible' means!" he said. I smiled. "What do you mean...

A little girl on the way home from church turned to her mother and said, "Mommy, the preacher's sermon this morning confused me." The mother said...

I recently asked a friend, "Has your son decided what he wants to be when he grows up?" "Yes, he wants to be a garbage collector," my friend...

Have you heard about the atheist who was taking a walk through a forest, admiring all that the accident of evolution had...

On a recent trip into town I observed a very peculiar thing happening via two city workers. One would dig a hole, walk...

Have you heard about the four men who were bragging about how smart their dogs were? One man was an engineer, the second man was...

Have you heard the story about the new Colonel? Having just moved into his new office (and feeling quite proud about it)...

I've got some words to make you wise today: confidence is what you feel when you do not really...

Have your heard the story about the man that was helping one of his cows give birth? When he noticed his 4-year-old son standing...

My wife went into a hardware store recently to purchase some peat moss. She gave a personal check in payment and said to the clerk...

When I visited Seattle for the first time, I arrived on a rainy day. When I got up the next day, it was still raining! It also rained the day after...

A fly was buzzing along one morning when he saw a lawn mower someone had left out in their front yard. He flew over and sat on the...

It was mealtime during a recent flight I was on with a small airline. "Would you like dinner?" the flight attendant asked me when she...

Everyday when a certain individual I used to know walked home from work, he would get stopped by three nasty men and they would...

Today's content is courtesy of Charlie Brown... "Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me...

When my nephew and his family lived on a farm, one of his favorite farm cats was involved in an accident and was killed while he was away at...

Have you heard about the young man who had just received his driver's permit? He was eager to begin learning, so his father agreed to take...

After church one Sunday, little Johnny walked up to the pastor. "Pastor," he said, "I heard you say today that our bodies came from the...

"We are going to continue to have meetings, everyday, until I find out why no work is getting done." "The beatings will continue until...

My face in the mirror isn't wrinkled or drawn. My house isn't dirty. The cobwebs are gone. My garden looks lovely, and so does my...

A friend of mine that lived in Staten Island wasn't crazy about the ferry. If he missed a ferry late at night, he would have to spend the next hour...

Have you heard about the lady who went to the hospital to visit a friend? She had not been in a hospital for several years and felt very...

Have you heard about the boss of a big company who needed to call one of his employees (who was at home on a day off from work) about an...

My wife tells me she is seriously considering a revolutionary system for labeling homemade freezer meals. She's thinking she ought to forget...

When my son was young, he once asked me "Daddy, what is that white stuff falling on the ground?" I answered him, "That's hail, son." He was...

I once worked in a department store where every night at closing time one of the customer service representatives reminded shoppers over...

While walking along the sidewalk in front of his church, our minister recently heard the intoning of a prayer that nearly made his collar...

Recently my minister's little girl had been so naughty during the week that her mother decided to give her the worst kind of punishment: she told...

I was recently driving all night to get to a far-away destination. By morning I still had some distance to travel, but was getting very tired. I...

Have you heard about the man who went to see the doctor because he was having difficulty accomplishing all the chores around the house that he...

A big, burly man visited his pastor's home and asked to see the minister's wife, a woman well known for her charitable impulses. "Madam...

Have you heard about the lawyer on his deathbed? He called for his wife, and after she arrived he told her to run and get her Bible as soon as...

One weekend a friend, also a nurse, was looking after her six-year-old nephew when he fell off a playground slide and hit his head. Worried that...

My nephew had just settled down with his kindergarten class to color in their coloring books when he realized he didn't have any crayons...

A teacher was meeting with the father of one of her students: Teacher: "Well, at least there's one thing I can say about your son." Father: "What's...

Two old friends bumped into one another on the street one day. One of them looked forlorn, almost on the verge of tears. His friend asked, "What...

Here's a word for the wise: A man with one watch knows what time it is. A man with...

Once when I was looking for work (this is when I was younger and lacking much in wisdom or experience), I had the boldness to tell...

Have you heard about the man who went to the bookstore? "Please, could you tell me where the Self Help section is?" he asked the...

A friend was puzzled by the odd messages left on his answering machine. Day after day, friends and family would talk and then say, "Beep." He...

Two buffalo were standing on the range when a passing tourist said, "Those are the mangiest, scroungiest, most moth-eaten, miserable beasts...

Did you know... there are more than 1,000 chemicals in a cup of coffee? Of these, only 26 have been tested, and half caused...

A diet is a weigh of life. It's something most of us do religiously: We eat what we want and pray we don't gain weight. One guideline...

Have you ever wondered what your pets think about you? Maybe it's something like this... Dog: hey, these people I live with...

"Son, where's your homework?" The teacher said sternly to the little boy while holding out her hand. "My dog ate it," was his solemn...

An older man lived alone. He wanted to spade his potato garden, but it was very hard work. His only son, who normally helped him, was in...

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already...

While traveling recently, a friend went into a convenience store to prepay for gasoline and returned with two plastic bottles of soda, which...

Did you hear about the farm family that had just moved into their new home in the city? After a hard day's work, they all went to sleep...

I had the toughest time of my life once when I was in school. First, I got angina pectoris and then arteriosclerosis. Just as I was recovering...

An elderly friend of mine was recently hospitalized for heart trouble. "I'm so worried," my friend said as his nurse plumped up the pillows...

Did you hear about the bear hunter? Well, he was out hunting for bears one day, and soon came across a large, trophy sized bear. He raised...

Did you realize... Everyday you beat your own previous record for the number of consecutive...

My wife has a friend who is a dental hygienist. The first time her four-year-old daughter came to her office to get her teeth cleaned she was...

A limousine encountered a red traffic light and was waiting for it to change when a small Yugo also drove up. The haughty businessman in...

I've got a quiz for you today: First question: the maker doesn't want it; the buyer doesn't use it; and the user doesn't see it. What is it?

Driving home from work one day, I decided to stop and watch a local Little League baseball game being played in a park near my home. After...

Two elderly women were trying on shoes in a shoe store. When the shoe salesman slipped a shoe onto one woman's foot, the end of his tie...

During my first cruise to Alaska, I saw my very first glacier in the magnificent Inside Passage. Excitedly, I asked the ship's officer what it was...